The end of the year is already just about here, but many nonprofits are still organizing their year-end campaign. Using the AdWords grant is one high-impact way you can power-up your nonprofit campaigns. As the time of giving approaches, this is one way you can be giving it all to hit your nonprofit’s targets.

Using the AdWords grants overview

Whether you’re applying for the grant now or have been using it for years, this time of the year is a great chance to try something different with it. The Google AdWords grant can help you show up in Google search results with $10,000 a month in free advertising. People are searching Google for nonprofits to support during this time of the year especially.
If you’re one of the thousands of nonprofits that are already using the AdWords grant to spread the word about your nonprofit, you know it’s powerful impact. If not, read this article for an overview of Adwords grants and this one if you still need to be convinced you that $120,000 yearly in free advertising money will help your nonprofit.
Some nonprofits choose AdWords Express to simplify their AdWords grant management. This article is more helpful for those using the normal AdWords platform.

AdWords grant year-end campaign ideas:

Get people to your year-end events

This should be an obvious one. People want to spend some time with family and friends at quality events at the end of the year. They’re searching for things to do around the holidays. You can geographically target them fairly easily.

Use the AdWords grant to sell year-end gifts

If you have items that you sell that can be packaged as gifts, the AdWords grants is a great option to test – especially during the holidays. This is the season of giving and you can provide people with a way to both give to others and give back to the community.

Attract donors with a year-end specific campaign

Using “donate now” as your AdWords keywords simply will not work. You need to be more creative. Beyond asking for donations as a gift for others, think about a specific goal for the end of the year. Do you want to support a certain amount of students by the end of this year? Is there a number of donated food you want to achieve? Do you have a year-end deal for membership? Is there a donor willing to double donations? Put together a specific campaign to drive in donations around the holidays.

Bring in volunteers during the holiday season

You might need volunteers at your event or need volunteers for a food drive or to help with a dinner at your shelter, etc. Use Google AdWords. People are looking for a place to volunteer and you can provide this to them. Again though, using the term “volunteer now” won’t get you anywhere. Be creative and think through what generally attracts volunteers to your nonprofit. Think about what they were looking for and what words they used when they found you.

Serve more people

If you do generally have more volunteers during the holiday season, you may want to offer your services to more people. Perhaps you run a soup kitchen or a tutoring service, which could be especially before school mid-terms. More donations and volunteers might allow you to expand your services somewhat for the end of the year.
Of course, don’t create long-term dependencies off of potentially one-time donors or volunteers. But thanks to the power of Google AdWords, you could promote a one-time service event to raise awareness, as well as bring in new volunteers and donors plus support the people who especially need help this season.

TreeRoots Nonprofits offers a discounted Year-End Campaign Planning coaching pack to nonprofits to help plan out and start to implement an effective Year-End Campaign strategy. Contact us for more details.

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