Sign up for this free cheat sheet to help your 501(c)(3) nonprofit make the most out of up to $120,000 per year in free advertising from Google.

Our goal is to empower nonprofits to get their mission across to the right people at the right and time. Tens of thousands of nonprofits have used up to $10,000 per month of the Google Ad Grant to spread the word about their cause. Most nonprofits can easily qualify for this grant, but not many really know how to make the most of it.
Your takeaways from this cheat sheet:
A briefing of the Google Ad Grant
4 key questions for using the grant.
4 key tactics for how to best use the grant.
A selection of tools – mostly free – to help you be most effective with the grant.
*Please note that you must be a qualified nonprofit to get the grant but many nonprofits qualify in over 50 countries. In the US, qualifying means being a 501(c)(3) and not a school or government institution.