Here’s how you can dominate.
Commit to it:
It’s powerful, but unless this is one of your main platforms Its not worth putting time into unless you are using it for research (it is great for keeping up with non profit best practices, statistics on your cause, ideas for social media, keeping up with current tech, etc.). It’s not something that can be automated and bring returns. You need to work at it.
Pin strategically:
Once you are committed, this should be obvious. Try to pin all your blog posts with a compelling image, create infographics and share other winners quality content too (you are bound to learn something useful for yourself by searching for infographics in your field). Keep in mind, likes don’t matter, it’s the re pins that give you residual exposure.
- Pinterest is a search engine. You need to have a good description.
- Add borders to stand out.
- You can also do @someone in the description a drop down box will scroll down but be sure you tag the right person–look up at search bar–they get a notification message
- Create your “featured image” for your blog with some text overlay – this way if they pin from your website (95% of pin pictures come from the web), then there is some text too. When you have bold text on an image, it’s hard for people to ignore. You could also add your logo.
- Make sure your site has a “pin” button and your fans will generate traffic for you.
- You can add a price to your pin–pins with prices get about 30 percent more likes. Perhaps you can have there be a donate this much for this project.
- Have teaser content – 2 tips click for a third or a picture of a camera and say click to learn how to use
- Think about mobile – create vertical pictures.
Rock some infographics:
Create a potentially viral infographic. If you have someone who enjoys design on your team (including volunteers), put together an infographic. Then promote it like crazy. Create a blog post around it, tweet, Facebook it, put it in emails, et.. If you do it well, you can use it in the offline world in presentations. Don’t stop at one. Infographics with stats about why your cause is important can go a long way. There are five free templates from HubSpot to help you get started.
Use tools effectively:
The amount of picture editing tools alone can be overwhelming. This article from buffer gives more info on Pinterest tools, but to keep it simple:
- Picture editing: Canva
- Creating infographics: Piktochart
- Growing your account: viral woot
- Pin button: Add it to your browser so you can pin very easily
- Schedule: Buffer
- Also, use the internal analytics offered to businesses.