- Always include your sources – research, check facts and give credit. Also, don’t round numbers.
- “Tell them what you are about to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them.”
- Only have a logo on the first and last slide.
- Be on schedule. Pretend your time-slot gets cut and create (or at least think through) an executive summary slide just in case it is needed. Have clear take-aways at the end.
- Be ready if technology/the power fail.
- Start with 30-40 point fonts. Think of your slide as a billboard on the freeway. Make sure they can get them in three seconds–they won’t listen and understand the slides at the same time.
- Bullets kill. Try to have just one point per slide and be very visual. You want the audience to focus on you, not the slides.
- Engage the audience – ask questions, do a poll, make them raise their hands. People are conditioned with commercial breaks so try to change the pace every now and then.
- Use a call to action – whether it is donate now, or something as simple as follow us on twitter or please share this information with one person. Create a way the audience can stay engaged with you and use the information you shared.
- Prepare enough so you are confident and inspiring. Rocks worlds, change lives and then follow up.
Great presentations checklist from forbes
The book Resonate by Nancy Duarte
Image found here.